Guidelines for authors

Guidelines for article submission, reviewing and publishing of articles in the journal “Latinskaya Amerika”.

Dear authors,

Let us bring to your notice that if you want to publish an article in our Journal, there are four essential requirements you ought to follow. Every article must contain convincing proofs aiming to boost the author’s conclusions; be relevant and contain new research; be of interest for the scientists in the field of knowledge the article does with; be of interest for the researchers of other related fields.

Before you submit the article to the Journal, you have to sign a licensing contract with the Russian Academy of Sciences. You can receive the contract by e-mail or find it on the websites: and The articles are not accepted without the signed contract.

The Editorial Board and Staff of “Latinskaya Amerika” accept the manuscript if it doesn’t exceed 40 000 characters with spaces. The article must contain an abstract (15-20 lines), key words (not more than 8 words) in Russian and English and the title of the article in the English language.

Submitting the article, the author indicates the following information:

  • full name in Russian and English;
  • affiliation (place of work or study, indicating the full name of the organization or the university and its address), position, rank, scientific degree in Russian and English;
  • contact information (address, phone number, fax, e-mail, ORCID).

The manuscripts by postgraduate researchers and students are accepted only with a written recommendation made by their scientific tutor or by the director of the corresponding research center or university. The recommendation must contain the tutor’s position, scientific degree and rank, e-mail and phone number.

The works are published free of charge. The manuscripts are not given back to the author.

The executive summary of the articles published in the Journal is available in Russian and English on the website and in the electronic library on Besides, the full issues of the journal are available on (the issues of the current year – for a fee).


  1. All articles submitted to the editorial board of the “Latinskaya Amerika” undergo a mandatory double-blind reviewing (the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript, the author of the manuscript do not know the reviewer). The experts working with us are recognized specialists on the subject of peer-reviewed articles and have published on the subject of peer-reviewed articles over the past 10 years.
  1. The main purpose of the peer-review is to provide to the Editorial Staff reliable information to make decision about publishing the manuscript. A positive review should provide recommendations for the authors to improve the article. A negative review should indicate the weak points of the manuscript, so that the author whose work is rejected understands what the decision is based on.
  1. The reviews are kept in the Editorial office for 5 years.
  1. The Editorial Staff of “Latinskaya Amerika” sends the copies of the reviews or substantiated refusal to the authors and is obliged to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in case of a corresponding inquiry to the Editorial office.
  2. The Journal systematically, and without exceptions, runs all submitted papers through plagiarism-detection software (“Antiplagiat”, to identify possible cases of plagiarism. Should the “red line” (>25%) be crossed, the article is to be withdrawn from publication.


  1. Every article must be in the Word format, Times New Roman 12 (approximately 2200 characters including spaces each page), 1.5 line spacing and should not exceed 40 000 characters including spaces. If the topic of the article is voluminous, the number of pages may increase. In such cases, the Editorial Staff has the right to publish the article in parts in two or several issues of the Journal. The author submits the manuscript to the Journal on CD, USB flash and in print or by e-mail
  1. On the top of the first page there are initials and the surname of the author, the title of the article, abstract (15-20 lines), key words (not more than 8 words), all in two languages – Russian and English.
    The abstract ought to be informative, reveal the main idea of the article, expose the main goals and ways of research, point out the most important result and its scientific importance. The abstract also must follow the logic of the article.
    On the first page, below, the data about the author is given: full name, scientific degree, rank (if the author has any), position, place of work or study, e-mail.
  1. The notes and explanations are written as an ordinary text beneath the page and must be signed by the symbol *. The full stop is put down after the symbol *. Such notes are used to explain or precise something.
  1. The list of the sources and literature pointed out in the text is given in the end of the article. The numbering is in order. Explanation of any kind must not be done. See the examples below.
  1. The tables, graphic schemes, figures are accepted only if necessary, as an additional element to back up the author’s proofs and conclusions. They must have titles and numbers, be in the Word format and have width of 12,6 cm.
  1. The Russian words год and годы (year and years), век and века (century and centuries) are written only by numbers (2009 г.; 2009-2010 гг.; ХХ в.; XIX-XX вв.; 90- годы; в 80-х годах); миллионы, миллиарды, (millions, billions) are written as млн, млрд (without full stops in the end); рубли, доллары (rubles, dollars) are written as руб., долл. (with full stops in the end). The names of other national currencies песо (peso), боливар (bolívar), йена (yen), евро (euro) are written fully and without inverted commas.
  1. The whole text should be read very attentively before the submission. The names and toponyms which repeat through the text must be written the same way. When mentioning a person for the first time, specify his/her full name and then only the initials and surname; indicate the nationality and kind of occupation (e. g. Brazilian political scientist, Argentinian writer, US economist) and, if possible, the years of lifetime or governance (for country leaders).
  1. When mentioning names of organizations, political parties, associations, etc., write them in the Russian language fully and without inverted commas and point out their acronyms in the parenthesis, e. g., Всемирный банк (ВБ), Международный валютный фонд (МВФ), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (АТР), etc. After that use in the text only the acronyms.
  1. When mentioning the names of foreign organizations and companies for the first time, write them in Russian without inverted commas, then point out the full name and acronyms in the parenthesis, e. g.: Общий рынок стран Южного конуса (Mercado Común del Sur, Mercosur); Государственная нефтяная компания Венесуэлы (Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., PDVSA), Национальный индейский совет Венесуэлы (Consejo Nacional Indio de Venezuela, CONIVE); Североамериканское соглашение о свободной торговле (North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA); Конференция ООН по торговле и развитию (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD); Соглашение о свободной торговле Америк (Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de las Américas, ALCA); Боливарианская альтернатива для народов нашей Америки (Alternativa Bolivariana para Nuestros Pueblos de América, ALBA); Карибское сообщество (Caribean Community, CARICOM); Комиссия ООН для стран Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, CEPAL). In the case of CEPAL you can also use the Russian acronym of that organization (but you should choose only one option). Then use in the text only the foreign acronyms.
  1. The names of political parties, associations or social movements mentioned for the first time in the text, are written fully in the Russian language, then fully with acronyms in the original language in parenthesis, e. g.: Социал-демократическая радикальная партия (Partido Radical Socialdemócrata, PRSD), Сандинистский фронт национального освобождения (Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, FSLN). Then use only the foreign acronyms.
  1. The names of companies, newspapers, journals, magazines are written in the text in the original language without inverted commas, e. g.: Motorola, Excelsior, Clarín, The Washington Post.
  1. Such words as литры (liters), километры (kilometers), метры (meters), тонны (tons), проценты (per cent), килограммы (kilograms), etc. are written in brief form, e. g.: л, км, м, %; but 8-процентный.
  1. The data and citations must have references to the sources in the end of the article.
  1. Text of more than 15 000 characters ought to contain subtitles. Smaller texts also may have subtitles if the content of the article requires.


Good illustrations increase the possibility of publishing the manuscript.

We accept photos (photo prints) made by the author, colored or in black and white. The images, colored or in black and white, are also accepted in electronic form with the resolution of 150-300 dips, in the JPG format of the corresponding size (not of the 2x3 cm size).

The images taken from the Internet are also accepted if the file is more than 50 KB and is in the JPG format.

The diagrams, figures, etc. are accepted only in electronic form in the DOC (Word) format with the width of 12,6 cm.

In the diagrams, figures, etc. use only the brief forms of the Russian words like млн, млрд, трлн, %.

The illustrations offered by the author must be printed beforehand, numbered and have notes.

If you send the images by e-mail, send the notes in a separate file in the Word format.

The photo pictures and images are delivered on CD, USB flash drives or are sent by e-mail to


The references of the sources in the list are numbered in the consecutive order starting from their first mention in the text and are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The sources and literature used to prepare the manuscript are given in the original language. The Russian sources are written in Cyrillic and Latin letters (author’s full name, title of the article, place of publication, publishing house, year). The title of the article must be translated into English. In order to transliterate from Cyrillic into Latin letters automatically, we recommend to use the website (standard transliteration is BSI).

The last names and initials of the authors of the articles, books, etc. must be spaced out. First the initials are written, then the last name, e. g.:

В.П.П а л к и н а. Недвижимость Испании: цены достигли «дна», продажи иностранцам растут. Полис. Политические исследования, 2014, № 1, сс. 49—59 [V.P.Palkina. Nedvizhimost’ Ispanii: tseny dostigli “dna”, prodazhi inostrantsam rastut [Spain Real Estate: Prices Have Reached the “Bottom”, Sales to Foreigners are Growing]. Polis. Politicheskiye issledovaniya, 2014, N 1, pp. 49—59 (In Russ.).

Book (monograph) of a single author

Ю.А.Ф а д е е в. Революция и контрреволюция в Боливии. М., Прогресс, 1969, 266 с. [Y.A.Fadeev. Revolutsia i kontrrevolutsia v Bolivii. [Revolution and Contrrevolution in Bolivia]. Moscow, Progress, 1969, 266 p.

A.R a m a. Transculturación narrativa en América Latina. Montevideo, Grupo Norma, 1989, 165 p.

Collected edition

А.С.П у ш к и н. Собр. cоч. в 6 т. М., Художественная литература, 1969, т. 1, 235 с. [A.S.Pushkin. Sobranie sochineniy v 6 tomakh]. [Collected works in 6 volumes]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1969, t.1, 235 p.


О.В.А в е р и н а. Женщины Чили вчера и сегодня. М., Латинская Америка, 2006, № 2, сс. 14—28 [O.A.Averina. Zhenzchiny Chili vchera i segodnya [Women of Chile yesterday and today]. Moscow, Latinskaya Amerika, 2006, N 2, pp. 14—28

L.S e i j o. Un país sin caras femeninas en política. La Prensa Libre. Guatemala, 2007.

Сonference proceedings

В.В.И в а н о в. Эволюция концепций экономического развития. — Материалы Х конференции экономистов. Москва, 24—26 мая 2005 г., сс. 35-44 [V.V.Ivanov. Evolutsia kontseptsiy economicheskogo razvitiya [Evolution of concepts of economic development]. Materialy X konferentsii economistov [The proceedings of the conference of economists]. Moscow, 24—26 may, 2005, pp.35-44.

Thesis and synopsis of a thesis

А.И.П е т р о в. Революция в Мексике. Дисс. докт. ист. наук. М., 2013, 190 с. [A.I.Petrov. Revolutsia v Meksike. Diss. doct. ist. nauk [The Revolution in Mexico. Dr. Diss. Hist.]. Moscow, 190 p.

Newspapers, journals, magazines are mentioned in the list and the text without inverted commas.

La Prensa. Buenos Aires, 13.X.2007. Available at: _________________ (accessed ____)

Известия. [Izvestiya]. Moscow, 13.X.2009. Available at: _________ (accessed __)

Websites and other Internet sources. A streak is put down before the site. No full stop in the end.

Кондратьев В.Б. Глобальная фармацевтическая промышленность. [Kondrat′ev V.B. Glo-bal′naya farmatsevticheskaya promyshlennst′ [The Global Pharmaceutical Industry (In Russ.)]. Available at: (accessed 24.05.2014).

— Available at: (accessed 23.06.2013)

News agencies

ТАСС [TASS], 31.V.2007. Available at: _________ (accessed ___)

Reuters, 25.VI.2005. Available at: __________ (accessed ___)

Prensa Latina, 26.VII.2006. Available at: ___________ (accessed ___)