Additional sources and materials
1. Vypolnenie obyazannosti zaschischat'. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON. A/63/677. 12 yanvarya 2009. 42 s. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
2. Mobilizatsiya kollektivnykh dejstvij: sleduyuschee desyatiletie obyazannosti zaschischat'. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON. A/70/999/2016/620. 22 iyulya 2016. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
3. D.Renwick. Central America's Violent Northern Triangle. Council on Foreign Relations. 19 January 2016. -Available at: (accessed 01.09.2017).
4. D.Gagne. InSight Crime's 2016 Homicide Round-up. 16 January 2017. InSight Crime Official Web-Site. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
5. GRID 2017: Global Report on Internal Displacement. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. Geneva. 2017. 124 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
6. C.Eguizabal, M.C.Ingram, K.M.Curtis, A.Korthuis, E.LOlson, M.Phillips. Crime and Violence in Central America's Northern Triangle. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas No 34. Woodrow Wilson Center. Washington. 2015. 283 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
7. O.Juetersonke, R.Muggah, D.Rodgers. Gangs and Violence Reduction in Central America. Security Dialogue. Vol.40. No.4-5. October 2009. 25 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
8. Sovremennaya organizovannaya prestupnost' v Latinskoj Amerike i stranakh Karibskogo bassejna ( B.F.Martynov). M., Izdatel'stvo «Ves' Mir», 2017, s. 272
9. Transnational Organized Crime in Central America and the Caribbean. A Threat Assessment. UNODC. Vienna. 2012. 80 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
10. Small Arms Survey: Moving Targets. Cambridge University Press. NY. 2012. 367 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
11. Op.cit. Juetersonke O. et al. Gangs and Violence Reduction in Central America.
12. Interv'yu avtora s d-rom Germanom Martinesem Velasko, professorom Kolledzha yuzhnoj granitsy, ILA RAN, iyun' 2017 g.
13. Forced to Flee Central America's Northern Triangle: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis. Me-decins Sans Frontieres. Mexico City. May 2017. 31 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
14. R.Muggah. Organized Violence Is Ravaging Central America and Displacing Thousands. The Guardian. 29 June 2017. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
15. L.Haugaard, S.Kinosian. Honduras: A Government Failing to Protect its People. Center for International Policy. Washington, DC. March 2015. 25 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
16. Vypolnenie obyazannosti zaschischat'. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON. A/63/677.
17. Osuschestvlenie nashej kollektivnoj otvetstvennosti: mezhdunarodnaya pomosch' i otvetstvennost' po zaschite. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON. A/68/947-S/2014/449. 11 iyulya 2014. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
18. Vypolnenie obyazannosti zaschischat'. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON. A/63/677.
19. Osuschestvlenie nashej kollektivnoj otvetstvennosti: mezhdunarodnaya pomosch' i otvetstvennost' po zaschite. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON
20. Vypolnenie obyazannosti zaschischat'. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON. A/63/677.
21. A.Quasten. Superacion de la crisis de suguridad en el triangulo norte de Centroamerica. Posibilidades y necesidades de una intervencion internacional. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Policy Paper. No. 46. Febrero de 2012. 14 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
22. Northern Triangle of Central America Situation. February 2017. UNHCR. Geneva. February 2017. 9 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017)
23. G.Lesser, J.Batalova. Central American Immigrants in the United States. 5 April 2017. Migration Information Source. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
24. Regional Response to the Northern Triangle of Central America Situation. Supplementary Appeal 2016. UNHCR. Geneva. June 2016. 24 p. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017)
25. Mobilizatsiya kollektivnykh dejstvij: sleduyuschee desyatiletie obyazannosti zaschischat'. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON
26. Otvetstvennost' po zaschite: podotchetnost' za predotvraschenie. Doklad General'nogo sekretarya OON. A/71/1016/2017/556. 10 avgusta 2017. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
27. D.Farah. Organized Crime in El Salvador. It's Homegrown and Transnational Dimensions. -Organized Crime in Central America. The Northern Triangle. Ed. by C.J.Arnson, E.L.Olson. Woodrow Wilson Center Report on the Americas No 29. 2011. p.104-138. -Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
28. R.Smith. The Real Reason Australia Has Been Forced to Intervene in Central America's Deadly Northern Triangle. 22 September 2016. News.Com.Au News Site. - Available at: (accessed: 01.09.2017).
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