Additional sources and materials
- P.Wors1eu. The Three Worlds: Culture and World Development. Chicago, 1984.
- M.Desai. Marx's Revenge: The Resurgence of Capitalism and the Death of Statist Socialism. London, 2004.
- J.Bell Lara. Cuba in the 1990s. La Habana, 2009.
- ECLAC. Productive Transformation with Equity. Santiago, 1990.
- F.Fröbe1, J.Heinrishs, O.Kreue. The New International Division of Labour. Structural Unemployment in Industrialised Countries and Industrialisation in Developing Countries. Cambridge, 1980.
- J.Petr as, H.Veltmeuer. Em pire with Imperialism, London, 2005. J.Petras, H.Veltmeuer. Globalization Unmasked: Imperialism in the 21st Century. Halifax -London, 2001.
- H.Ve1tmeuer. Illusions and Op portunities: Civil Society in the Quest for So cial Change. Halifax, 2007.
- J.B.Foster, F.Madoff. Finan cial Implosion and Stagnation: Back to the real economy. - Monthly Review, vol. 60, N6,2008.
- W.Bel1o. The Global Collapse: A non-orthodox view. - Z Net, 22.11.2009.
- D.Havey. A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford, 2005.
- J.Petras, H.Ve1tmeuer. Espejismos de la izquierda en América Latina. Buenos Aires, 2009. 12
- CEPAL. Balance preliminar de las economías de América Latina y el Caribe. Santiago de Chile, 2008, p. 13. 15
- La Jornada. México, 17.111.2009. 16
- La Jornada, 29.III.2009. 17
- J.Petras, H. Vellmeyer. Op. cit. 18
- Financial Times. London, 09.I.2009. 19
- CEPAL News, vol. XXIV, N 2, 2009. 22
- ECLAC. The Reactions of Latin America and Carribean Governments to the International Crisis: An Overview of Policy Measures up to 30 January 2009. Santiago, 2009. 23
- ECLAC. Social Panorama of Latin America: Briefing Paper. Santiago, 2009, p. 18.
- J.Petras, H.Ve1tmeuer. Espejismos de la izquierda en América Latina. Buenos Aires, 2009. 25
- ECLAC. Social Panorama of Latin America: Briefing Paper. Santiago, 2009.
- L.Panitsh, S.Gindin. From global finance to the nationalization of the banks: Eight theses on the economic crises. -Global Research, 25.11.2009.
- H.Chávez. El socialismo del siglo XXI. En N.Kohan. Introducción al pensamiento socialista. Bogotá, 2007, p. 247. 29
- La Jornada, 17.III.2009.
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