Brasil on the global food market
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Brasil on the global food market
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Nowadays, when the traditional factors of world leadership are becoming less important, the key role on the global market play that countries, who have managed to modernize its agricultural sector and to provide the favourable positions for its activity and development. In this context the experience of the leading countries of Larin America, and especialy of Brazil, is of interest. Brazil have managed to modernize its agriculture and to become one of the key exporters of the agricultural products to the world market. This article covers the factors, which have let Brazil to transform its outdated agricultural sector to one of the most competitive branch of its economy, Brazil’s export by type of the product and by geography of trade and also the week points of Brazilian agricultural policy.
Brazil, agrarian policy, food crisis, export, the factors of leadership.
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Additional sources and materials

1. P. Cremaq. The miracle of the cerrado. - The Economist, 26.VIII.2010.
2. Trade and Competitiveness in Argentina, Brazil and Chile: not as easy as A-B-C. - OECD, 2004, p.155.
3. Braziliya - Tropicheskij gigant na pod'eme. M, 2011, s. 24.
4. Agricultural Policies in Emerging Economies: Monitoring and Evaluation 2009. - OECD, 2009, p.44.
5. Brasil pos-crise: agenda para a proxima decada. Rio de Janeiror, 2009, p. 75.
6. FAOStat
7. Brazilian Agriculture. The Miracle of the Cerrado. - The Economist, 26.VIII.2010.
8. Agricultural Policies in Emerging Economies: Monitoring and Evaluation, p.44.
9. J. da Silva. Un new deal para la agricultura. - Nueva sociedad. Buenos Aires, N 223, p. 47.
11. J. Da Silva. Op. cit.
13. Braziliya - Tropicheskij gigant na pod'eme, s. 32.
14. Agricultural Policies in Emerging Economies: Monitoring and Evaluation, p. 57.
15. Dannye sajta Informatsiya poluchena 13 yanvarya 2012 g.
16. Agricultural Policies in Emerging Economies: Monitoring and Evaluation, p. 57.
17. A Agricultura Brasilera: desempenho, desafios e perspectivas. Brasilia, 2010, p. 83.
18. V. Zhudise, K. Vedovello. Brazil'skaya innovatsionnaya sistema v sfere biotekhnologij. - Forsajt. M., 2007, № 1(2), s. 28.
19. Brasil pos-crise: agenda para a proxima decada, p. 80.
20. Braziliya - Tropicheskij gigant na pod'eme, s. 26.
21. Trade and Competitiveness in Argentina, Brazil and Chile: not as easy as A-B-C, p. 160.
22. M.A. Lopez. Turning Science into Agrobuisness - Advanced Tropical Agriculture in Brazil. - Brazil-Asia Cooperation in Agricultural Research, November 5, 2010.
23. Trade and competitiveness in Argentina, Brazil and Chile: not as easy as A-B-C, p. 149.
24. Braziliya - Tropicheskij gigant na pod'eme, s. 60.
26. F. VIdal Luna. Brazil since 1980. New York, 2006, p. 133.
27. L. Martinelli, R. Naylor, P. Vitousek, P. Moutinho. Agriculture in Brazil: Impacts, Costs and Opportunities for Sustainable Future. - Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 2, Issues 5-6, December 2010, p. 431, 433.
28. J.S. Osse. Brazil: Agroculture Facing Multitude Problems. - Southwest time press, 19 oct. 2006.
29. The AgLeader, June 2010.
30. F. VIdal Luna. Op. cit., p. 131.
31. I. Kartashev. Brazil'skie indejtsy vzyali v zalozhniki 30 chelovek. - Rossijskaya gazeta, 16.IV.2012.
32. F. VIdal Luna. Op. cit., p. 134.
33. M.C. Guimaraes. Brazil: Upgrate on Agricultural Policy. - Secretariat of Agricultural Policy. Ministry of Agriculture, 2010.
34. A. Ozorio de Almeida. Exports, Energy, Food: The Multiple Functions of Brazilian Agriculture. Paper prepared for presentation at the 2009 LASA Congress. Rio de Janeiro, 11-14 June, 2009.
35. Spravochnye materialy, predostavlennye Rossel'khoznadzorom
36. G. Dias. Brazilian agriculture and the crisis. - Estudos Avancados, 2009, 23(66), r..75.
37. F. VIdal Luna. Op. cit., p. 130.


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