Russian Consul General in Rio de Janeiro U.A. Valenshtein (at the threshold of years’work)
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Russian Consul General in Rio de Janeiro U.A. Valenshtein (at the threshold of years’work)
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The article is devoted to the characteristic of the personality and activities of the Russian consul and diplomat U.A.Valenshtein  who headed in 1832 the general consulate in Rio de Janeiro. The article analizes the events of the first year of the work of Valenshtein in the Brazil capital, his plans, interests, contacts, the themes of messages which were sent to Petersburg. There was revealed the contradiction between the brilliant abilities of Valenshtein as a historian and literary man and his weak demands as a consul.
U.A.Valenshtein, the themes of his messages from Rio de Janeiro in 1832-1833.
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Additional sources and materials

1. B.N. Komissarov. Grigorij Ivanovich Langsdorf. 1774-1852. L., 1975.
2. B.N. Komissarov. Pervaya russkaya ehkspeditsiya v Braziliyu. L., 1977.
3. B.N. Komissarov. Russkie istochniki po istorii Brazilii pervoj treti XIX veka. L., 1977.
4. B.N. Komissarov. Net torgu, kotoryj byl by skhodnee i vygodnee brazil'skogo. K 200-letiyu osnovaniya rossijskogo general'nogo konsul'stva v Rio-de-Zhanejro (1811-2011 gg.). - Latinskaya Amerika, 2011, № 12, s. 60-80.
5. B.N. Komissarov. Russkie istochniki po istorii Brazilii s. 49-52.
6. B.N. Komissarov. Peterburg - Rio-de-Zhanejro. Stanovlenie otnoshenij. 1808-1828. L., 1987, s. 49-51.
7. B.N. Komissarov. Russkie istochniki po istorii Brazilii, s. 49-50, 52.
8. Arkhiv vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj imperii (dalee - AVPRI), f. Departament lichnogo sostava i khozyajstvennykh del (dalee - DLS i KhD), op. 464, d. 1673, l. 17-22.
9. B.N. Komissarov, S.G.B o zh k o v a. Pervyj rossijskij poslannik v Brazilii F.F.Borel'. SPb, 2000, s. 205-206.
10. B.N. Komissarov. K voprosu o rekonstruktsii rossijsko-brazil'skikh otnoshenij v 1828-1889 gg. - Latinskaya Amerika, 2003, № 3, s. 57, 58.
11. N.N. Bolkhovitinov. Russkie diplomaty (P.P.Svin'in, P.I.Poletika, Yu.A.Vallenshtejn) kak issledovateli Ameriki v pervoj polovine XIX v. Konferentsiya, posvyaschennaya 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika G.I.Langsdorfa. (Problemy issledovaniya Ameriki v XIX-XX vv.). Leningrad, 22-24 oktyabrya 1974 g. Tezisy dokladov. L., 1974, s. 42-44.
12. N.N. Bolkhovitinov. Russko-amerikanskie otnosheniya. 1815-1832. M., 1975, s. 225, 226, 236, 237, 522, 523, 530, 536-540.
13. W. da Cunha. O diplomata Wallenstein. - Revista do Instituto Historico e Geografico Brasileiro, 1980, N 328, r. 93-104.
14. A.L. Sergeev. Brazil'skoe nasledie Yu.A.Vallenshtejna. Kamoehnsovskie chteniya. Materialy pervoj nauchnoj konferentsii portugalistov Rossii. M., 1994, s. 51-52.
15. W. da Cunha. Op. cit., r. 93.
16. AVPRI. F. DLS i KhD. Op. 464, d. 550, l. 7-8.
17. W. da Cunha. Op. cit., r. 94.
18. Tableau des observations meteorologiques, faites a Washington Par J. de Wallenstein. - American Philosophical Society Archives M.S. Communications to ASP, Vol. 2, p. 599-645.
19. Memoire pour accompagner le Tableau - Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. New Ser. Vol. II. Philadelphia, 1825, r. 421-437.
20. J. Wallenstein. Sketches of a Diplomatic History of the American Revolution. Harvard, Wallenstein Manuscripts. r. 1-103.
21. J. Wallenstein. Remarks on the Causes and Principles of the Alliance between France and the United States 1778. Ibid., r. 116-150.
22. J. Wallenstein. Annals of the Insurrection of the Spanish Colonies and the Contemporary History of the Mother-country. Translated 1826. - Ibid., r. 153-192.
23. N.N. Bolkhovitinov. Russkie diplomaty.., s. 43-44.
24. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 185, l. 60.
25. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1834, № 184, l. 40-41.
26. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 185, l. 61-63.
27. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 185, l. 63 ob.
28. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 185, l. 59-59 ob.
29. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 185, l. 60.
30. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 186, l. 194-197 ob., 293-302 ob., 314-315 ob., 386-388, 494-509.
31. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 186, l. 201 ob.-202 ob.
32. AVPRI. F.Kantselyariya, 1833, № 186, l. 388.
33. B.N. Komissarov, S.G. Bozhkova. Pervyj rossijskij poslannik v Brazilii.., s.161.
34. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 544-556, 580-582 ob., 584-587.
35. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 571.
36. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 565 ob. 567.
37. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 564 ob. 565.
38. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 559 ob. 560.
39. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 503-503 ob.
40. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 561-562 ob.
41. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 570-570 ob.
42. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 570.
43. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186. l. 582-582 ob.
44. B.N. Komissarov. Brazil'skaya fazenda pervoj treti XIX v. v dnevnikakh G.I.Langsdorfa i na kartakh N.G.Rubtsova. - Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta, 1969, № 8, vyp. 2, s. 65.
45. Os Diarios de Langsdorff, Vol. II. Sao Paulo, 26 de agosto de 1825 a 22 de novembro de 1826. Campinas. Rio de Janeiro, 1997, r. 265-267, 295-296.
46. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186, l. 532-534.
47. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1834, № 185, l. 2 ob.
48. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186, l. 398.
49. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1833, № 186, l. 398-398 ob.
50. AVPRI. F. Kantselyariya. 1834, № 185, l. 129.


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