
Editorial and publishing ethics of Latinskaya Amerika

According to the international standards adopted by leading scientific publishing houses (COPE), the editorial board of the Latinskaya Amerika journal established ethical standards, obligatory for authors, editorial board members, reviewers and editorial staff.


Responsibility of the chief editor, members of the editorial board and editorial staff

The chief editor is responsible for making decisions about the publication of articles proposed for reviewing. The decision relies on scientific value, relevance, novelty, autonomy and substantiation of the article, as well as the quality of its presentation in accordance with the requirements set forth on the journal website. The final decision is made on the basis of a scientific peer review.

The chief editor, members of the editorial board and editorial staff must evaluate the articles impartially, based solely on the objective considerations listed in the previous paragraph, regardless of their personal worldviews or other attitudes.

The editorial staff of Latinskaya Amerika considers previously unpublished papers,  that may be classified as original research or detailed survey within the framework of the Journal  area of studies. The editors reserve the right to refuse the publication of manuscripts that contain signs of plagiarism, conflict of interest, fictitious authorship, etc.

The editorial staff is obliged to assist the authors in improving the submitted manuscripts, based on their own professional skills and experience, as well as the recommendations of highly competent reviewers. The editorial staff is also obliged to exercise control over the correctness of the data in the articles approved for publication.

The chief editor and members of the editorial board, strictly adhered to the principle of confidentiality, do not have the right to disclose information about the papers submitted to the editorial board to anyone except a few people directly related to the process of preparing an article for publication. Moreover, the materials that are not included in the final version of the article can not be transferred to third parties without the  permission of  the author.

Until the article is published, the chief editor, reviewers and members of the editorial board are not allowed to use for their own research or other personal purposes the information which they accessed during their work.

The editors of the Journal do not impose citing articles published in the journal Latinskaya Amerika in order to artificially increase the quality of its scientometric indicators.

The chief editor of the Journal must promptly respond to incoming ethical complaints and take appropriate measures to eliminate violations.


Responsibility of the authors

The authors are responsible for the scientific content of the article, its originality and veracity. In the case of borrowing, the author must make a corresponding correct reference. All data processing methods, as well as their interpretation logic, must be absolutely transparent.

The authors are responsible for voluntary or involuntary plagiarism. Unauthorized borrowing and reproduction of any elements of the article by other researchers without a corresponding reference is inadmissible.

The authors must strictly adhere to ethical standards while criticizing or commenting against the authors of third-party publications.

In case of joint authorship, the active participation in the work of all the persons involved should be indicated. The consent of all the co-authors to publish the article is obligatory.

The publication of the already published paper is not allowed. If individual elements of the manuscript were previously published, the author is obliged to make a reference to an earlier work and indicate the differences of the new study from the previous one.

If the author finds an important error or inaccuracy in the already published article, the author is obliged to immediately notify the editorial board and cooperate with it in order to make the appropriate corrections. If the editorial staff learns about an important error in the text from a third party and informs the author about this, the latter must promptly make the appropriate corrections or provide evidence of the correctness of the previously submitted data.

The authors must indicate the source of financial support for the project, the results of which are described in the manuscript submitted, as well as indicate the persons who contributed to the study.

Submitting the article to the editors, the authors guarantee that the work is not being under review by the editors of another journal and has not been published previously.

The authors have the right to appeal the decision of the editorial board in the prescribed manner.


Responsibility of the reviewers

The main criterion for evaluating an article is its scientific value.

The main principle of conducting a scientific examination of manuscripts is utmost objectivity.

Any decisions based on personal preference are unacceptable. In case of a conflict of interest in any form between the author and the reviewer, the latter is obliged to inform the editorial board about this and refuse to review.

The reviewers are obliged to argue their comments and provide convincing evidence of a positive or negative decision regarding the article under review.

The reviewers must comply with the terms of the scientific examination of articles established by the editors, i.e. within 60 days. In case that this seems impossible, and also in case that the reviewer considers himself insufficiently competent to make a qualified assessment of an article, he is obliged to immediately inform the editor.

The reviewers must not disclose to third parties the information about the work submitted for their review.

Until the publication of the article, the reviewers are not allowed to use for their own research or other personal purposes the information they accessed during the work.

The editors mainly use the “double-blind” (anonymous) review method. The names of the reviewer and the author of the article are not disclosed to the parties in order to achieve maximum objectivity of the review.


Conflict of interest

All interested parties should avoid conflict of interest in all forms and at all stages of the process of preparing an article for publication. In case of an unexpected occurrence of such a circumstance, the person who first discovered the existence of a conflict between the editor, reviewer and author must immediately inform the editorial board and the chief editor must submit the article for reviewing to another editor or reviewer. The same applies to any form of violation of generally accepted ethical norms and rules.