Additional sources and materials
1. M. Ferchen. China's Latin America Interests, 6.04.2012. -
2. Zdes' i dalee dannye po tovarooborotu Kitaya i stran Latinskoj Ameriki: Chzhungo tuntszi nyan'tszyan' - 2000, 2011 (Statisticheskij ezhegodnik Kitaya, 2000, 2011). -
3. People's Republic of China and Latin America and the Caribbean. Ushering in a New Era in the Economic and Trade Relationship, June 2011, p. 15. -
4. Predstavitel' OON: Latinskaya Amerika dolzhna udelyat' bol'shoe vnimanie razvitiyu otnoshenij s Kitaem. - Zhehn'min' zhibao on-lajn, 9.02.2012. -
5. People's Republic of China and Latin America and the Caribbean. Op. cit., p. 19.
6. People's Republic of China and Latin America and the Caribbean. Op. cit., p. 22.
7. De Gucht. EU - Latin America / Caribbean Trade: A Partnership for the Future, 24.04.2012. -
8. Ibid. R. 9.
9. 2010 nyan'du chzhungo dujvajchzhitsze toutszy tuntszygunbao [Statisticheskij byulleten' inostrannykh pryamykh investitsij Kitaya, 2010], s. 36, 40, 42, 46. -
10. People's Republic of China and Latin America and the Caribbean. Op. cit., p. 25.
11. Ya.V. Leksyutina. Ehkonomicheskaya ehkspansiya: real'nost' vyzova Vashingtonu. - Latinskaya Amerika, 2011, №8, s. 41.
Kontekst: ...Poluchatelyami kitajskoj voennoj pomoschi yavlyayutsya i nekotorye drugie latinoamerikanskie strany: Peru (v 2010 g. poluchila mediko-spasatel'noe oborudovanie), Kolumbiya (ezhegodno na summu poryadka 1 mln doll. voennogo snaryazheniya), Yamajka (v yanvare 2011 g. voennoe snaryazhenie na summu okolo 3,5 mln doll.) i dr...
12. Foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2011, May 2012, p. 37. -
13. K. Koleski. Backgrounder: China in Latin America, 27.05.2011, p. 14. -
14. Natsional'naya oborona Kitaya v 2010 g., mart 2011. -
15. E. Ellis. China-Latin America Military Engagement: Good Will, Good Business, and Strategic Position, Aug. 2011, p. 13-19. -
16. Paradnyj raschet pochetnogo karaula NOAK prinyal uchastie v parade po sluchayu 200-letiya nezavisimosti Meksiki. - Zhehn'min' zhibao on-lajn. - 31516/7143646.html
17. Medbrigada NOAK otpravilas' v Peru dlya uchastiya v kitajsko-peruanskoj sovmestnoj operatsii «Angel mira-2010». - Zhehn'min' zhibao on-lajn, 18.11.2010. -
18. E. Ellis. Op. cit., p. 28.
19. St. Flanagan. China's Military Diplomacy and Engagement in Latin America. - Chinese soft power and its implications for the United States. Competition and cooperation in the developing world / Ed. by C. Mc Giffert. Washington, D.C.: CSIS, 2009, p. 55.
20. CBERS 3 and 4 Launching. -
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